Skin Booster - SuneKos

30 Mins | £180

SuneKos is the only natural product in professional aesthetics that stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, restoring elasticity and volume to the skin.


  • No. of treatments

    Usually a 4-part treatment process with 7 to 10 days between sessions.

  • Procedure time

    Usually 30 minutes.

  • Final results

    Some changes can be noticed after the first treatment however, best results will be seen after your fourth treatment. Maintenance can be approximately every 6 months.

Recovery time

Very little evidence that procedure has taken place, skin is usually recovered within a few hours. As with all injectable treatment there is a risk of mild swelling and bruising at the site of injection.

Resume usual activities

Immediately for most activities. Avoid swimming for 48 hours and extreme temperatures for 7 days. Avoid massaging the area treated for 24 hours. Full aftercare will be provided prior to treatment.

Discomfort level

Very mild.

Duration of results

Approximately 6 months depending on the level of correction needed and patient lifestyle. Maintenance treatment is suggested at 4 to 7 months intervals post treatment.

Consultation needed prior



We are all individuals, therefore, results from treatments may vary from person to person, because each person responds differently. Results will last a different amount of time from person to person depending on variables such as the individual’s metabolism, lifestyle and area of treatment; this may even vary between treatments for an individual. Results, downtime and recovery following treatment will vary from patient to patient. The information we provide is based on the extensive experience we have gained from treating a wide variety of patients of different ages, genders and is based on an average patient experience.